Address: ?
The area: ?
Purchase price: ?
The total cost of renovation: ?
Monthly profit: ?
Present value: ?
Address: ul. Starowiślna 4
The area: 164 m2
Purchase price: 712 000 zł
The total cost of renovation: 490 000 zł
Monthly profit: 19 000 zł
Present value: 4 100 000 zł
Address: 26 Św. Tomasza Street
The area: 64 m2
Purchase price: 400 000 zł
The total cost of renovation: 310 000 zł
Monthly profit: 9 500 zł
Present value: 1 920 000 zł
Address: 24 Staszewskiego Street
The area: 204 m2
Purchase price: 3 000 000 zł
The total cost of renovation: 600 000 zł
Monthly profit: 22 000 zł
Present value (2022): 5 500 000 zł